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Redman Wines
23 April 2018 | Redman Wines

Redmans’ Winemaking Points of Difference

Making wine is a universal practice – it’s made in almost every country on the planet. The overarching process for all wine producers looks like this: grow the grapes, ferment the grapes = bottle the magic liquid. But what stands all wineries apart from each other are the idiosyncrasies in each producer’s winemaking practice. At Redman, our points of difference occur at each touch point of the process. And there are three main differences that can be attributed to the Redman way.  Continue »

Time Posted: 23/04/2018 at 4:18 PM Permalink to Redmans’ Winemaking Points of Difference Permalink
Redman Wines
12 February 2018 | Redman Wines

Why use a wine decanter?


Everyone has one hiding in the back of the pantry, right? That wedding present used three or four times and is now gathering dust. Despite its fall from fashion over the last 10 years or so, a wine decanter does serve a purpose and can improve the overall experience of your wine consumption.

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Time Posted: 12/02/2018 at 2:43 PM Permalink to Why use a wine decanter? Permalink
Redman Wines
17 October 2017 | Redman Wines

Large Format Wine Bottles - all you need to know!

If you've ever had the good fortune of enjoying a glass of wine poured from a large format bottle, you'll know how impressive it can be. And coming into the festive season, these larger wine bottles make perfect gifts for the tricky-to-buy-for friends and work mates. Large format bottles also make a very clever solution to fill the glasses of 37 family members sitting around the celebratory table (and to ensure your own glass is full while you’re at it!).

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Time Posted: 17/10/2017 at 7:15 AM Permalink to Large Format Wine Bottles - all you need to know! Permalink